Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Toto we are not in Kansas anymore!

We have told you about the various different critters we encounter here.

We had the Praying Mantis on steriods....
Frogs after rain storms...........

Lizards from Iguanas to geckos and eerything in between......

But poor Rosie, our little border collie mix. In her typical inquisitive fashion tried to get up close to something that did not want her there. The best we can figure out, it sprayed something in her face. What ever that sumthin was... it wasn't pleasant. Poor dogs mug was so swollen, she looked like she had the mumps!

Thankfully, with some tender loving care, ibuprofen, and cold compresses, within 48 hours she was back to normal! (Mind you a bit more leery of creeping critters, she lays staring out the window all night now)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Five Month Marker

We have now been here 5 months. It has gone by quick and yet we both agree that we feel like this is now home. We have certainly packed a lot into these few months. So I thought I would do a quick review in pictures the last 5 months!

Phewwww.... that was just a samll taste of the last 5 months... Makes ya wonder what the next 10 years will be!!!