Friday, April 13, 2012

Zach and Deb in Dzibilchaltun

Zach and I were going to try to go to the zoo. My second attempt. We tried a year ago and it was closed for renovations. Today, Zach and I set off to try again, and again it was closed. Sigh....
So we grabbed lunch and decided plan B was to go back to the archaeological site, Dzibilchaltun. We had gone last Christmas time but their museum had been closed that time.
So off we went.
 Here is Zach and I the beginning still in air-conditioning.
We arrive and admire the Mayan statues outside the museum.

They had a mock underwater sunken treasure exhibit. Zach is doing his mock breast stroke :)

Then we ventured outside to the archaeological site.
No more air conditioning.. let the melt begin....

Zach doing his CSI Miami Horatio impression.

Back in the car... completely melted!


  1. Zach sounds like quite the His weight loss is really showing. Congrats to him!

    1. LOL he is a nut but he has fallen very close to his nut tree LOL! He is doing great with his goals. He is really working hard :)

  2. Great pix of you with your baby boy! I love mommy & kid photos and you two look like you're having such fun :-) Big hugs to you both!

    1. Thanks Deb! We always have so much fun... I will certainly miss him when he leaves :(
      I love you and hug ya right back!
