Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Trip to Sinanche

Sinanche is a pueblo close to the coast. They were having a fiesta in honor of San Buenaventura. So Ed and I decided it would be a nice scenic drive and a nice time to see Templo de San Beunaventura, a church constructed in the 17th century.

As you can see in the video, it all lived up to our expectations and was a nice day out.
Ed says I need to take more pics of me so you all believe I still exist... so here.. in all my glory:

No make-up even... so nobody can say it was a "Weekend at Bernie's" either.. Still breathing! LOL!

It is no surprise for us anymore to see people hauling animals like horses in small trailers on the freeway, I could post pictures daily of that.. and being the animal lover I am, I probably would, but I had to share these. This Horse was not only just along for the ride.. he was also just as curious of the people and cars around him. When the car would come to a light, he would intensly check out who was next to him.. ya gotta love a curious caballo!

All For Now!


  1. You're beautiful, Deb...Ed is right about you needing to post your photo more often!!

  2. You are kind Deb. Love You!
    Deb R.
